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Thinking of exploring new job opportunities in accounting and finance? Make sure you talk to the experts in financial recruitment here in Northern Ireland.
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McKinty Associates are true experts when it comes to finance and accountancy recruitment. This expertise has been achieved by over 25 years just recruiting finance professionals here in Northern Ireland
We put people first – that means our candidates, clients and colleagues – everyone is equal.
At McKinty Associates we always work with the highest integrity and we are passionate about providing a professional and honest service to both our candidates and clients.
We specialise in Finance recruitment across Northern Ireland and having focused solely on this specific sector for many years has meant that we are now considered true experts in this field. Consequently we often have exclusive access to some of the region’s most desirable Accountancy and Finance vacancies. We work alongside some of the country’s largest organisations and offer non advertised roles and confidential vacancies alongside our traditional roles. Our client list includes many of Northern Ireland’s most prestigious employers including Top 100 companies, SME’s, Big 4 Banks and Accountancy firms, Top 10 Public Practices and Third Sector organisations to name but a few. We dedicate our time on recruiting highly skilled Accounting and Finance professionals from junior posts through to senior management level for a wide range of businesses across public practice, private and public sector and not for profit organisation’s. We have a strong track record of placing permanent, contract and interim roles and we take a bespoke approach to every vacancy ensuring we achieve the best match between our client requirements and candidate skills, qualifications and experience.
We are a local respected business and have built our reputation on providing a professional, honest and quality service; our personal, upfront and unique approach is why clients and candidates come back to us time and time again.
We dedicate our time on recruiting highly skilled Accounting and Finance professionals from junior posts through to senior management level for a wide range of businesses across Public Practice, Private and Public Sector and Not for Profit organisations. We have a strong track record of placing permanent, contract and interim roles and we take a bespoke approach to every vacancy ensuring we achieve the best match between our client requirements and candidate skills, qualifications and experience.
If you are an experienced Finance professional (eg. ACA, ACCA, CIMA, CPA, CIPFA, IATI) our specialist services can help you plan and achieve your next great career move. If you are a potential employer seeking a new Finance addition for your team, we can also help you attract and appoint the best talent. For more information about our business and service offering please get in touch.
McKinty Associates
Hillsborough, Co. Down, Northern Ireland
£25,000 - £35,000
Holywood, Belfast, Northern Ireland
£30,000 - £40,000
Co. Down, Northern Ireland
Belfast, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland
£70,000 - £80,000