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31 Bruce Street, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT2 7JD
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Developed by CO3 and launched in September 2019, Engage Executive Talent is a specialised executive recruitment service comprising three strands: Permanent Executive Recruitment, Interim Executive Recruitment and Board Recruitment.CO3 is Northern Ireland’s leadership organisation for Chief Officers in the Third Sector, and its Engage Executive Talent offer has been borne out of the demand from third sector boards and executive teams for services that were more responsive to the needs of the non profit sector than existing mainstream providers.
We engage with the best executive candidates, across public, private and third sectors, recruiting leaders with integrity, who are driven by principle and motivated to contribute to the common good. Our services have evolved over years, honed by the feedback and proactive suggestions of our clients, and CO3’s members.
We form long term relationships with our members, candidates and clients, relationships that extend well beyond the interactions associated with the recruitment and appointment phase. We don’t walk away once we’ve completed the onboarding. Complimentary membership of CO3 for all our recruited executives and trustees ensures that they have a support network and a personal development roadmap to help them get the most out of their new relationships with the teams they are joining. Support networks include ‘New to Post CEO’, ‘Health’, ‘Marketing and Communications’, ‘HR Management’, ‘Finance Management’, and services include mentoring and training.
Engage Executive Talent
£65,000 - £75,000
See Job Description