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Added 12/03/2025
Ulidia Integrated College
Carrickfergus, UK
Salary: £15,000 - £25,000
Permanent Part-Time
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Undertake, as part of a team, the cleaning of any area within the school premises, designated by Team Leader or Facilities Manager, to ensure that they are kept in a clean and hygienic condition. Full... more
TBL International Limited
Salary: See Job Description
The key role of the Hospitality Crew is to work as part of the team to ensure that we deliver all events to a 5 star standard, ensuring our clients expectations are not only met but exceeded.... more
Added 24/03/2025
Lagan College
Catering Assistant The Catering Assistant is required to assist in the preparation of food, serving of meals and operating the cashless till system. He/she is also instrumental in helping to keep the... more
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