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Cranmore Park, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT9 6JA
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Victoria College Belfast is a voluntary grammar school for girls founded in 1859 by Mrs Margaret Byers to provide an excellenteducation for women and is one of the longest established girls' schools in the UK.In 1987 Victoria College amalgamated with Richmond Lodge School, a neighboring girls grammar school with a noted emphasis on personal development and involvement in world citizenship.
We have built on the strengths of both schools and have a strong academic record underpinned by a supportive pastoral system.
Our students come from a wide variety of backgrounds in Northern Ireland and from abroad, adding to the diversity of school life. The College, with its thriving Boarding department, is situated in extensive mature grounds in South Belfast.
This location between the Malone and Lisburn Roads is convenient to town and country bus routes and the local railway network. It is also within walking distance of the Queen’s University of Belfast and the Ulster Museum and many local art galleries and theatres
The international dimension of the workin the College has been recognised by the British Council through theInternational School Award and the educational experience for our students and the professional development of staff is enhanced through our partnerships with schools both at home and abroad.
Victoria College Belfast
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