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23 Rocktown Road, Knockloughrim, BT45 8QE
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About OneSchool Global Knockloughrim Campus
OneSchool Global Knockloughrim Campus is situated in a rural location and provides education for learners mainly from the Mallusk and Derry/Londonderry area. Our campus boasts state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology, ensuring that both online and face-to-face classes are catered for outstandingly. We take pride in our small school atmosphere, providing personalised attention to students from Year 3 to Year 13.
OneSchool Global Knockloughrim Campus is an Independent School with a vibrant atmosphere, excellent results, unique pedagogy and a clear vision for the future.
Benefits of working OneSchool Global UK Knockloughrim Campus?
OneSchool Global is a truly global school, with over 120 campuses in 20 countries, including cities such as New York, Paris, Sydney, Rome, Auckland, Copenhagen, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
With an innovative approach to learning, delivered in cutting-edge, technology-empowered physical and digital learning environments, OneSchool Global is preparing life-ready students who learn how to learn.
“We are a caring school where students enjoy the experience but at the same time we set high expectations. We believe in creating a culture whereby students can learn to be successful, self-directed learners”
Campus Principal: Mr Kris McClelland
Number of Campus Staff: 13
Number of Students: 77
OneSchool Global Knockloughrim
Knockloughrim, Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry
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