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About the NSPCC
The London Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was founded in 1884. It changed its name to The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in 1889.
Its aim then was to protect children from cruelty, support vulnerable families, campaign for changes to the law and raise awareness about abuse. Today, the NSPCC looks very different, but its purpose remains the same: to end cruelty to children.
The NSPCC's work
We have 177 community-based projects and run the Child Protection Helpline and ChildLine in the UK and the Channel Islands. Most of our work is with children, young people and their families.
We also work to achieve cultural, social and political change - influencing legislation, policy, practice, public attitudes and behaviours and delivering services for the benefit of young people.
Our aim
We want to see a society where all children are loved, valued and able to fulfil their potential.
To do this, we have four objectives:
Co. Londonderry
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