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Cranmore Integrated Primary and Nursery School

47 Finaghy Road North,
Co. Antrim,
BT10 0JB

Cranmore Integrated Primary and Nursery School

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In Cranmore we aim to give all the children in our care wide and enriching experiences appropriate to their age and ability. We aim to develop in our pupils a pride in their own self-worth and recognition of the value of people from other religious, social or cultural backgrounds. We expect our pupils to work hard to achieve their full potential as unique individuals and to give of their time and talents as they become independent learners. We trust our parents to assist us in carrying out our responsibilities in a mutually supportive, caring environment.

Latest jobs from Cranmore Integrated Primary and Nursery School

Special Needs Classroom Assistants (1 Year Post with possible extension)

Cranmore Integrated Primary and Nursery School


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General Nursery Assistant (1 Year Post)

Cranmore Integrated Primary and Nursery School


  • Salary:

    Not Disclosed

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Permanent Teacher (Initially P5)

Cranmore Integrated Primary and Nursery School


  • Salary:

    Not Disclosed

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Cranmore Integrated Primary and Nursery School

47 Finaghy Road North,
Co. Antrim,
BT10 0JB