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12 Cromac Place, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT7 2JB
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Whether you are just starting out, have some experience or are a senior leader, we offer a world of opportunities.
Whether you wish to build a fantastic career with us, with almost no ceiling on your possible experiences or location, or just want to do a great job as part of a team and know that your contribution is valued, we can offer what you are looking for.
We just want people to share our passion for great service. And, in joining us, you will receive training, support, advancement and rewards through every stage of your career.
This is because, although we employ and engage with around 600,000 people, we operate across many entrepreneurial, individual, exciting businesses which offer opportunities of enormous variety.
From running an employee restaurant at a corporate head office to nurturing patients and seniors with nutritious meals, helping young students understand how a great meal helps create a healthy mind and body, feeding a team of oil rig workers far out at sea or delivering amazing dining experiences at some of the most glamorous events in sports and entertainment, there is a world of opportunity at Compass
Compass Group
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Co. Londonderry
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Co. Antrim