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City Quays One, 7 Clarendon Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT1 3BG
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Our people are at the heart of everything we do. We are the number one legal brand in the world, with 77 offices and 4 centers in 46 countries - but it's our people who drive that success, wherever we operate.
We provide a full service offering, delivering high-quality local solutions across a broad range of practices. Our client base consists primarily of venture capital funds, investment banks, technology powerhouses and household brand names. As a firm with a very strong global client base, we have considerable expertise in consulting on, and coordinating, complex cross-border transactions and disputes.
Our centers highlight the very best of our global Firm, diverse, creative and collaborative - our values of bravery, brilliance and kindness permeates all that we do. Our people work on the most challenging projects, and understand the value of sharing knowledge and building strong relationships across borders, as well as embracing a spirit of partnership and collaboration. Our strength is our ability to adopt a new type of thinking and use cutting-edge legal technologies to help clients overcome the challenges of competing in today's new world economic order.
At Baker McKenzie we understand the importance of career development and are committed to giving our people the tools they need to build a rewarding and successful career. Across both business and legal services, we are on the lookout for talented, innovative and ambitious individuals to join our award winning team.
Bring Us Your Brilliance
Baker McKenzie
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