
Head of Computing

The Wallace High School


  • Salary:

    As per scale

  • Job Type:

    Permanent Full-Time

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  • Closing:


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HEAD OF COMPUTING (Teaching Allowance 3)

The Head of Department is accountable to the Principal through the Vice Principal (Curriculum) for the effective leadership and management of the Department.


The Wallace High School is a co-educational, voluntary grammar school founded in 1880. The annual intake of pupils into Year 8 is 170 and there are some 300 pupils in the Sixth Form. The school draws its pupils from Lisburn and the surrounding area. The Computing Department consists of three full-time computing specialists and a number of other interested members of staff.

The Computing at Wallace High School delivers the following curriculum subjects:

? Key Stage 3 Computing

? GCSE Digital Technology and Business Communications,

? A’Level Software Systems Development and Digital Technology.


Under the direction of the Principal and Vice Principal (Curriculum), the Head of Computing is responsible for the leadership, organisation and efficient running of the Department in accordance with school policies and practice, and in pursuit of high standards of pupil achievement.


The school seeks to appoint a successful and effective teacher who shows energy, enthusiasm, commitment and adaptability to change.

The newly appointed Head of Department will have expertise in the teaching of Computing and be able to demonstrate the following skills essential to the role:

? The ability to lead, manage and motivate people to work towards common goals

? The ability to solve problems and make decisions, seeking advice as appropriate

? The ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing

? The ability to plan time effectively and organise oneself well

The main duties and responsibilities of the post are:


1 To be responsible for the effective management of teaching and learning of Computing throughout the school, key stage 3 through to A’Level.

2 To keep teaching methods and subject specifications under constant review, and to produce and submit annual schemes of work to the Vice Principal.

3 To evolve and administer appropriate systems to monitor the progress of pupils:

(a) through supervising the departmental homework timetable

(b) through a programme of on-going assessment

(c) to ensure that pupils are prepared and entered for external examinations at the appropriate level

4 To set, monitor and evaluate expectations and targets for improvement in keeping with the school development plan.

5 To monitor, evaluate and report departmental examination results using school data as it is made available by the Principal.

6 To encourage and monitor the appropriate use of ICT in teaching and learning.


7 To actively promote staff development through:

(a) setting high individual standards and encouraging others to do the same by discussion of good practice both at Departmental meetings and with individuals as the occasion demands

(b) allocation of classes which takes account of each teacher’s experience and responsibilities and the needs of the Department

(c) involving staff in decision-making within the Department

(d) sending representatives to suitable courses

(e) dissemination of information from courses attended

8 To develop constructive working relationships, teamwork and mutual support amongst colleagues within the Department.

9 By means of regular meetings to supervise closely the work of inexperienced and, in particular beginning teachers, and to report their progress to the appropriate member of the Leadership Team.

10 To review staff performance as required by school policy, and recommend and arrange staff development as appropriate.

11 To advise the Principal on the appointment of staff for the Department.

12 To liaise with Heads of Year, the Learning Support Teachers and Careers Staff as necessary.


13 To manage the resources allocated to the Department in an efficient and effective manner.

14 To ensure that the rooms and facilities used by the Department are kept in good condition, reporting any maintenance issues to the Head of Premises.

15 To ensure the implementation of health and safety regulations as appropriate.

16 To use the Department’s accommodation to create an effective and stimulating environment.


17 To attend the meetings of Heads of Department.

18 To take part in curriculum development and review as required.

19 To hold regular Departmental meetings with agenda and recorded minutes which should be submitted to the Principal and Vice Principal.

20 To work with the ICT-Coordinator in supporting whole school ICT initiatives and projects.

21 In keeping with the ethos and aims of the school to be responsible for the delivery and promotion of Computing and other related areas through the school’s website and social media presence.


1 The above responsibilities are subject to the general duties and responsibilities contained in the statement of conditions of employment.

2 This job definition is not necessarily a comprehensive definition of the post. It will be reviewed regularly and may be subject to modification or amendment at any time after due consideration.


ESSENTIAL CRITERIA: Applicants must (as of 1 September 2025)

? have a good honours degree (2:2 minimum) in which Computing or Digital Technology is a major component.

? be a qualified teacher recognised by the Department of Education.

? have experience of teaching Software Systems Development / Digital Technology to A2 level or a related level 3 qualification.

DESIRABLE CRITERIA: Preference may be given to applicants who (as of 1 September 2025)

  • have experience of leading a department or managing a team of staff
  • show evidence of management development and training relevant to this post.
  • demonstrate a contribution to the extra or co-curricular life of a school in which they are currently employed.
  • possess a coaching qualification in rugby or hockey.
  • have experience of coaching a school or club rugby or hockey team.
  • demonstrate a firm commitment to coaching a rugby or hockey team.
  • have a Master’s Degree or other Level 7+ qualification in Computing or related area relevant to GCSE, AS and A2 Computing.
  • have a Master's Degree or other level 7+ qualification relating to management and/or leadership.

The Board of Governors reserves the right to enhance the above criteria at shortlisting.


It is preferred that application forms are emailed in Word format to the Principal’s Personal Assistant, Mrs McDowell at . An acknowledgement will be sent by return of email. Applicants should ensure that they indicate clearly on their application form how they meet the criteria.

The closing date for receipt of application forms is Wednesday, 26 March 2025 at 12 midday.

It is anticipated that interviews will take place week beginning 7 April 2025.

In order to comply with DE guidelines on Child Protection shortlisted applicants should bring an original birth certificate and/or marriage certificate (if appropriate) plus photographic ID to their interview.

NB: It is an offence for an individual who is on either of the Department’s Lists (UP List and/or List 99), or who is the subject of a disqualification order from the courts, to apply for, or offer to do any work, paid or unpaid, in a regulated position.

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Matching this job role: Head of Department

The Wallace High School

View Employer Profile

12A Clonevin Park,
Co. Antrim,
BT28 3AD

Job Ref: 2025/HOD Computing

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