
Appointment of the Irish Language Commissioner

The Executive Office


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    in 2 days

Appointment of the Irish Language Commissioner

The Executive Office (TEO) is seeking to appoint the Irish Language Commissioner.

We are looking for an inspirational individual who is passionate about making the most of this unique opportunity to protect and enhance the development of the use of the Irish language by public authorities. The role will require an individual who possesses a deep understanding of language policy, a track record of successful delivery, advocacy, and a strong commitment to the role.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to bring their skills and experience to fulfil this role to maximum impact. They will collaborate with a range of stakeholders including government departments, public authorities and community groups to create an inclusive environment and deliver the aims of the role.

The postholder will be the Accounting Officer and is accountable to the Assembly for the body’s use of resources in carrying out its functions.

This post is a full-time appointment for a period of 5 years, with the possibility of renewal for a second term, subject to satisfactory performance.

The remuneration for the Commissioner will be in line with the Northern Ireland Civil Service, Senior Civil Service (SCS) (Grade 5 equivalent and within the range of £79,237 to £88,908 per annum- under review). This appointment is pensionable. Reasonable travel and subsistence expenses incurred will be paid at Northern Ireland Civil Service rates.

If you have the personality, commitment, and energy to make a real difference in this area we would be delighted to receive your application.

Equality of Opportunity: TEO is committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. TEO is committed to providing equality of opportunity and welcomes applications regardless of gender, age, marital status, disability, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, sexual orientation or whether or not you have dependants.

Current Location: To be determined but likely to be in the Greater Belfast area.

Ref: IRC307750

For further information and to submit your application, click APPLY NOW.

Application packs can be requested in alternative formats by contacting HRConnect on 0800 1 300 330 or via email to

All requests must include your name, address and reference number IRC307750.

All reasonable adjustments will be made to accommodate the needs of applicants/candidates with a disability and the principles of the Guaranteed Interview Scheme will be applied for such applicants.

Completed application forms must be returned to arrive not later than 12 noon (UK time) on Friday 28th March 2025.

It is anticipated that the Irish Language proficiency assessment will be held in Belfast during May 2025 and the interviews in Belfast during June 2025.


Tá Oifig an Fheidhmeannais (OF) ag iarraidh Coimisinéir Teanga don Ghaeilge a cheapadh.

Tá muid ag lorg duine spreagúil atá díograiseach tiomanta leis an deis ar leith seo a thapú leis an fhorbairt ar úsáid na Gaeilge sna húdaráis phoiblí a chosaint agus a fheabhsú. I dtaca leis an ról seo, beidh gá le duine a bhfuil na nithe seo a leanas aige: tuigse dhomhain ar bheartas teanga; dea-chuntas i ngnóthú an tsoláthair rathúil; scileanna abhcóideachta; agus tiomantas láidir don ról.

Beidh an té a cheapfar in ann na buanna agus an taithí s’aige a thabhairt isteach leis an tionchar is mó agus is féidir a imirt agus é sa ról seo. Comhoibreoidh an té seo le réimse leathan páirtithe leasmhara – ina measc sin, na ranna rialtais, na húdaráis phoiblí, agus grúpaí pobail – le timpeallacht ionchuimsitheach a chruthú agus cuspóirí an róil a bhaint amach.

Beidh an sealbhóir poist ina Oifigeach Cuntasaíochta agus beidh sé freagrach don Tionól as an úsáid a bhaineann an comhlacht as acmhainní lena fheidhmeanna a chomhlíonadh.

Is ceapachán lánaimseartha é an post seo a mhairfidh tréimhse 5 bliana, agus beidh an fhéidearthacht ann go ndéanfar é a athnuachan don dara téarma, faoi réir feidhmíocht shásúil.

Beidh an luach saothair don Choimisinéir ar aon dul leis an méid atá ag an Státseirbhís Shinsearach (SSS) i Státseirbhís Thuaisceart Éireann (coibhéiseach le Grád 5 agus taobh istigh den raon £79,237 go £88,908 in aghaidh na bliana – faoi athbhreithniú).

Is ceapachán inphinsin é seo. Beidh speansais réasúnta taistil agus chothaithe iníoctha de réir rátaí Státseirbhís Thuaisceart Éireann (SSTÉ).

Más rud é go bhfuil an phearsantacht, an tiomantas, agus an fuinneamh agat le fíorthionchar a imirt sa réimse oibre seo, beidh muid iontach sásta iarratas a fháil uait.

Comhionannas Deiseanna: Tá OF tiomanta do phrionsabail na gceapachán poiblí atá bunaithe ar thuillteanas, agus do mheasúnú neamhspleách, oscailteacht agus trédhearcacht sa phróiseas. Tá OF tiomanta do chomhionannas deiseanna a thabhairt agus fáiltíonn sé roimh iarratais ó iarratasóirí beag beann ar inscne, aois, stádas pósta, míchumas, creideamh, eitneacht, barúil pholaitiúil, gnéaschlaonadh, nó bíodh cleithiúnaithe ag an iarratasóir nó ná bíodh.

An Suíomh Oibre fá Láthair: Tá sé seo le socrú, ach is dócha go mbeidh sé i mórcheantar Bhéal Feirste.

Tag: IRC307750

Le heolas níos mionsonraithe a fháil agus le heolas a fháil ar an dóigh le hiarratas a dhéanamh, iarrtar ort a ghabháil chuig Thig leat pacáiste iarratais a iarraidh i bhformáidí eile ach teagmháil a dhéanamh le HRConnect ar 0800 1 300 330, nó fríd ríomhphost chuig

In iarratas ar bith, caithfidh tú d’ainm, do sheoladh agus an uimhir thagartha IRC307750 a chur isteach leis.

Déanfar achan oiriúnú réasúnta le freastal ar riachtanais na n-iarratasóirí/iarrthóirí atá faoi mhíchumas agus cuirfear prionsabail na Scéime um Agallamh Geallta i bhfeidhm do na hiarratasóirí sin.

Caithfear na foirmeacha iarratais atá comhlánaithe a sheoladh ar ais sa dóigh is nach gcuirtear isteach iad níos moille ná 12 meán lae (am na Ríochta Aontaithe) ar an Aoine an 28 Márta 2025.

Táthar ag dréim le go gcuirfear an measúnú ar inniúlacht sa Ghaeilge ar siúl i mBéal Feirste le linn Mhí na Bealtaine 2025 agus go mbeidh na hagallaimh i mBéal Feirste le linn Mhí an Mheithimh 2025.

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Matching this job role: Commissioner

The Executive Office

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SD03 Stormont Castle,
Stormont Estate,

Job Ref: IRC307750

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Appointment of the Irish Language Commissioner

  • Belfast
  • Salary: As per scale
  • Closing: in 2 days

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