Commissioner Public Appointments for Northern Ireland (CPANI)
The Executive Office is seeking to appoint a Commissioner for Public Appointments for NI. This is a pivotal role for the Executive and we are seeking an individual, whatever their sectoral background, with vision and a passion for fairness and integrity.
As guardian of the Public Appointments process, the Commissioner shapes confidence in our public appointments by providing constructive challenge and guidance to Government departments to ensure that public appointments are made based on merit, with proper regard for equality, and that our public services benefit from being led by Board members with the right skills and attributes.
With around 80 regulated ALBs and their public appointees responsible for delivering a wide range of functions and vital public services, this unique role requires a highly skilled leader with a strong ability to embrace challenge and evoke change when required. A clear communicator is essential to set the direction of the Office through meaningful and effective interactions with key stakeholders.
We are looking for an individual who can use their skills and experience to make an effective contribution to the role.
TEO is committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. TEO is committed to providing equality of opportunity and welcomes applications regardless of gender, age, marital status, disability, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, sexual orientation or whether or not you have dependents. We would particularly welcome applications from those in age group 18 – 39, women, and those who have a disability, as these groups have traditionally been under-represented.
This is a part time appointment, with a commitment of 75 days per annum (approximately 1½ days per week). The term of appointment will be for a single period of 5 years, starting on the date of appointment.
The remuneration for the Commissioner will be £22,857. The post is non-pensionable. Reasonable expenses incurred will be paid at Northern Ireland Civil Service rates.
Location: Stormont Estate, Belfast
Ref: IRC307290
Salary: £22,857
For further information and to submit your application, click APPLY NOW.
Alternatively, an application pack can be requested by contacting:
HRConnect, PO Box 1089, Beacon House, 27 Clarendon Road, Belfast, BT1 9EX.
Telephone: 0800 1 300 330.
All requests must include your name, address and reference number IRC307290.
The material will also be made available, on request, in alternative formats such as Braille, large print, audio etc. All reasonable adjustments will be made to accommodate the needs of applicants/candidates with a disability and a Guaranteed Interview Scheme is in place for such applicants.
CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 12 noon (UK Time) on 28th March 2025.
It is anticipated that interviews will be held in Belfast during May/June.