Civil Legal Services: Independent Appeal Panels
Department of Justice (DoJ) is seeking to appoint Presiding Members to the Civil Legal Services: Independent Appeal Panels.
The purpose of the Appeal Panels is to consider and adjudicate on appeals against decisions which have been taken by the Director of Legal Aid Casework to refuse to fund, continue to fund or place limitations on level of representation under Civil Legal Services for representation (higher courts).
The Department wishes to appoint individuals from a range of backgrounds with experience of the types of issues which would attract support through the award of Civil Legal Services to create a pool from which Appeal Panels can be formed.
The positions are part-time and are based in Belfast. The expected time commitment is 7 – 12 sittings per annum although this will depend on the volume of business to be transacted.
The term of appointment for all members will be for a period of 5 years, with the possibility of renewal for a second term, subject to satisfactory performance.
Remuneration for the position of Presiding Members will be £350 for the preparation required and attendance at each sitting of the Appeal Panel. The positions are not pensionable.
Ref: IRC304604 – Presiding Members
For more detailed information and how to apply, please click APPLY NOW.
Completed application forms must be returned to arrive not later than 12 noon (UK time) on Friday 28th March 2025.
It is anticipated that assessment will be held in Belfast on the week commencing 21st April 2025.
Equality of Opportunity: The Department of Justice is committed to encouraging a diverse range of Applicants for public appointments and to the principle of appointment on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. Applications are welcomed regardless of age, gender, disability, religion, ethnic origin, marital status, political opinion, sexual orientation or whether or not you have dependants.