How I became a Hotel Manager
Strong communication skills and an eye for detail are imperative to Suzi McIlhatton's role as General Manager at The Malone Hotel, Belfast.
How I became Head of Design and Development
The ability to prioritise is key to Robert McIlreavy’s role. Read how he became Head of Design and Development at Decision Time.
How I became a Visitor Services Manager
A transferable skillset helped Susan Starrett make the move from working in retail to a career in the heritage industry.
How I became an Employment Solicitor
Lizzie Colvin (Holden) balances a busy career in law with hockey playing and has recently competed in the Olympic Games in Tokyo.
How I Became A Chartered Accountant
A training contract gave David Ruddell the opportunity to explore a career in accountancy
How I became a Designer and Entrepreneur
Last year's lockdown gave Nicole Hill the time and incentive to start her own e-commerce business, selling locally made prints of cityscapes to customers around the world.
How I became an International Trade and Customs Advisor
Brendan Martin's career journey is proof that it's never too late to take the plunge, retrain and follow your passion.
How I became a Women’s Empowerment Coach
As an Empowerment Coach it is Karina Todd's aim to help support and inspire women across Northern Ireland in their personal development.
How I became a Systems Engineer
In the week that marked International Women in Engineering Day nijobfinder spoke to Tracy O'Kane about her role as a Senior Technical Systems Engineer at CDE and why she would encourage more females to consider a career in the industry.
Guiding the way for women in engineering
Ahead of International Women in Engineering Day on June 23, nijobfinder caught up with Clare Crooks, a Railway Signalling Design Engineer with Translink to discover more about her role.