ENTRY is now open for next year’s Study USA programme, the scheme which offers students from Northern Ireland scholarships to spend a year studying business in the United States.
Managed by British Council Northern Ireland on behalf of the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL), Study USA gives students the opportunity to gain valuable international experience and business knowledge, developing their career prospects for when they return to Northern Ireland.
Since its formation in 1994, the initiative has sent over 1800 students from Northern Ireland to all four corners of the United States where they have successfully completed a year studying business at one of 140 institutions.
Speaking at the graduation ceremony for this year’s students deputy director, British Council Northern Ireland, Jonathan Stewart said: “Year on year we find that those who take part in the programme not only enhance their employability skills but also develop intercultural skills, which helps them to prepare to work in a global economy.
“Throughout its history Study USA has enabled students to become great ambassadors for Northern Ireland and strengthened cultural, economic and educational links and connections between the two countries.”
Interested students can apply online now at http://nireland.britishcouncil.org before the December 5 deadline.