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Road Show Will Highlight European Skills Initiative

13th October 2014

A series of road shows publicising the new European Social Fund (ESF) Programme 2014-2020 is running across Northern Ireland until the end of November.

The Department for Employment and Learning, as the managing authority for ESF locally, is organising the events to provide information on the programme, its priority target sectors and the application process. The fund will open for public calls at the end of November 2014.

Inviting eligible organisations to register for the road shows, Employment Minister Dr Stephen Farry said: “I am keen to maximise the impact of the benefits and opportunities of this new European Social Fund to further drive up skills in Northern Ireland. The European Commission via the ESF is investing £170m out of a total programme allocation of £425m.

“The investment will provide new opportunities to people who face the greatest barriers to work and learning, and aims to help 132,000 individuals fulfil their potential by giving them better skills and better job prospects to take steps towards employment.”

Funded by the European Commission, the overall strategic aim of the Northern Ireland ESF is to help reduce economic inactivity and increase workforce skills by promoting access to employment, social inclusion and skills for growth.

The Minister said: “Priority groups for support will include projects and initiatives for young people not in education, employment or training and people with disabilities; and apprenticeship opportunities under the new system outlined in our strategy Securing our Success.”

Any public body and legally formed private organisations are eligible to apply for ESF funding. Full details of the road shows and how to register are available at or by telephoning DEL’s European Social Fund branch on 028 9025 7669.

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