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Public’s View Sought on Jobs Strategy for the Disabled

5th October 2015

A PUBLIC consultation on a strategy for improving the job prospects and working careers of people with disabilities in Northern Ireland has been launched.

The strategy aims to build on existing disability services, delivered through mainstream, community and voluntary sector programmes, and also contains a number of proposals that will improve partnership working, introduce new services to individuals and engage employers in a more collaborative manner.

Speaking in the Assembly, the Minister for Employment and Learning, Stephen Farry, said: “Helping and supporting people with disabilities to achieve their full potential in life is a duty and responsibility for all government departments and other partners in society.

This strategy aims to build upon and improve what the department and others currently deliver for people with disabilities who want to work, and are capable of doing so.

“It is making a clear statement of intent in sending a message to society that people with disabilities share the same ambitions and aspirations as everyone else, and provided they are given the right support, advice and assistance, they are capable of realising their full economic and career potential.”

The strategy contains five key themes and a range of supporting proposals within each theme.

The five key themes include supporting people to secure paid employment, job retention and career development, working with employers, research and development and strategic partnership and engagement.

The minister added: “The aim of this strategy is to provide comprehensive and tailored disability employment services which will lead to an increase in the number of disabled people who will secure successful job outcomes.

While the strategy and subsequent implementation plan will support people of all age groups, there will be a particular focus on young people.

“There is a need for additional specialist support for people with disabilities to help them prepare for and move into paid employment.

A gap remains in relation to how disability services link with each other, and specifically at the key transition point between education or skills training, and the critical stage of active job search.”

One of the key proposals within the strategy is the implementation of the Supported Employment model throughout Northern Ireland to provide high-quality, personalised support to help people with significant disabilities to secure, maintain and progress in paid employment.

Other proposals include the development of robust management information systems that will enable the department to track the progress of all clients who are being supported through the disability services and programmes, and the establishment of annual targets for the number of disabled people who move into paid employment, including self-employment.

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