Are you on the hunt for a new job? If you are tired of scrolling through hundreds of part time jobs in Belfast, nijobfinder is here to help!
We have put together a list of the latest part time jobs in Belfast. So what are you waiting for? View the roles and apply today.
Six Companies that regularly have part time jobs in Belfast
Tesco have over 50 stores in Northern Ireland from Tesco Superstores to Tesco Express. They employ over 9000 staff and have lots of part-time jobs in Belfast and throughout NI.
Henderson Group
The Henderson Group own and operate Spar, Eurospar, Vivo & VivoExtra convenience stores throughout NI. They also have large warehouse and distribution centre in Mallusk. They continually have a good selection of part time retail jobs right across Northern Ireland at all levels.
Health and Social Care NI
HSC is responsible for all Health Care trust in Northern Ireland. They employ almost 70,000 people in NI so always have hundreds of jobs available including part time roles. These jobs include medical staff such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapist, paramedics and multiple support staff such as cleaners, clerical & catering staff.
Randox Laboratories
Randox Laboratories is a privately owned diagnostic and equipment manufacturing company. They employ 1,400 people in NI. They have a wide range of roles available at any one time including scientific roles, IT , marketing, customer service and many other jobs both full time and part time.
Education Authority
The Education Authority is responsible for ensuring that efficient and effective primary and secondary education services are available to meet the needs of children and young people. They always have a wide range of teaching and non-teaching jobs available throughout Northern Ireland and in Belfast where they have their head quarters.
Queen’s University Belfast
Queen’s University Belfast employs around 4,000 staff and has 24,000 students. Their vacancies usually include vacancies at all levels across its teaching and support staff with part time and full time roles in Belfast.
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