Entries are open for the 2021 CIPD Northern Ireland HR Awards
The awards celebrate the best in HR and people management by individuals and teams in Northern Ireland.
Ability to adapt helps accountancy firm achieve a decade in business
An Armagh-based accountancy firm is celebrating its tenth year in business.
Mentoring programme launched to help support the creative sector
A new mentoring programme has been launched to support artists and creative freelancers within the creative and cultural sector in Northern Ireland.
Distillery and visitor centre creates 42 new jobs
The opening of Hinch Distillery is expected to lead to the creation of 42 new jobs.
How I became a Human Resources Manager
There is no such thing as a typical day for Neil McLeese, a managing director at Human Resources company, BeyondHR.
Software firm Decision Time gains 11 new government contracts
Northern Ireland software firm Decision Time has added 11 government departments to its growing list of public sector customers on the island of Ireland.
Graduate Software Testers Programme at NWRC
North West Regional College (NWRC) has launched its Graduate Software Testers Programme.
Funding boost to support SMEs
The Economy Minister has announced that Co-investment Fund (Co-Fund) Northern Ireland is receiving additional funding of over £16million to support small and medium enterprises in Northern Ireland.
How I became a Lecturer in Computing
An interest in computing, education and teaching led Paula Kirkwood into her role at South Eastern Regional College.
Law firm recruits further fresh talent with new appointments
A Belfast-based law firm has welcomed two new trainees bringing its total number to eight within the last two years.