How to… Pass Exams
Part two of our revision tips to help you ace those summer exams. Do plenty of past papers Ask your teacher for some past papers or google them yourself. Most exam boards nowadays put a lot of emphasis on exam technique and simply familiarising yourself with it before the exam can often save you time...
Getting the facts
Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly’s Employment and Learning Committee undertook a fact-finding trip to the University of Ulster recently. It was part of the committee’s ongoing inquiry into careers information, advice, education and guidance. The UU’s director of employability and marketing, Damian McGivern said: “The University of Ulster is very proud of the innovative...
Deaf students fear
Local president of student movement NUS-USI Adrianne Peltz has expressed concern at the drop in the number of people who are deaf studying at university in Northern Ireland. Responding to statistics showing a drop in five years of such student from 240 to just 95, she asked for clarification on whether funding has decreased for...
College engineers’ fruitful relationship with firm
A Lisburn firm has teamed up with its local FE college to help develop the company’s expertise. AB Pneumatics will be working with the South Eastern Regional College to identify solutions to improve its manufacturing processes. Students have already been involved in four such industry projects over the last six months where estimated savings to...
Union in apprentices call
As apprenticeships gain ground in the eyes of employers, society must recalibrate its attitude, it was claimed today. The Ulster Teachers’ Union, Northern Ireland’s biggest locally-based teaching union, was responding to a recent government survey which revealed that employers believe people with apprenticeships are more employable. “Whilst it is encouraging to see that employers –...
University announces £4k support Initiative
Details of a £4,000 business support scheme open to social enterprises were revealed by the University of Ulster Knowledge Club. Funded by Invest NI, the Innovation Voucher Programme offers businesses up to £4,000 to collaborate with universities and colleges to develop innovative business solutions. The University of Ulster is currently the lead provider of expertise...
10 students to earn and learn with tech firm
An innovative scheme could allow A- Level students wishing to pursue a career in IT to secure permanent employment while having their degree paid for. Technology company Kainos is seeking to recruit up to 10 high performing A-Level students in a new development initiative worth between £75,000 and £10,000 per candidate. The ‘Earn as you...
Minister Aims To Learn From Swiss Systems
A RECENT ministerial trip to Switzerland could provide inspiration for the future of apprenticeships and youth training in Northern Ireland. The purpose of the two-day skills study visit, linked to the recently announced review into apprenticeships in Northern Ireland, was to examine Swiss best practice, policies and initiatives in vocational and youth training programmes. During...
Scheme Set To Help Brightest Pupils Shine
A NEW strategy aims to deliver a future where those able but unlikely to avail of higher education opportunities are given every encouragement. Addressing representatives from the National Union of Students and the Union of Students Ireland (NUS-USI), Employment and Learning Minister Stephen Farry said: “My Department’s Graduating to Success, the first Higher Education Strategy...
UU’s on the Map
THE University of Ulster’s urban planning teaching has been granted Partnership Board status by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI). Dr Neale Blair, course director and senior lecturer in spatial planning, said the new status affirmed the importance of Ulster graduates to the planning profession in Northern Ireland. “Our graduates have gone on to successfully...