THE latest batch of graduates from the Software Testers’ Academy have been recognised at a recent awards ceremony.
The 16-week long academy trained 34 students with the skills and accredited qualifications identified by the 21 participating employers for new job opportuni-ties in their respective companies. The course, which comprises 10 weeks of classroom-based training and a six-week work placement, has produced 101 graduate software testers.
Speaking at the ceremony in, Parliament Buildings, the Employment and Learning Minister Stephen Farry said: “The Software Testers’ Academy has now completed four cohorts and continues to prove an excellent example of how my department and Invest NI are supporting graduates to find employment. Through the Assured Skills Initiative my department has worked closely with employers and further education colleges to develop this academy to up skill graduates, from any discipline, to be software testers.”
The ceremony was attended by academy participants, employer representatives and delivery colleges, South Eastern Regional College (SERC) and Belfast Met.
Enterprise Minister Arlene Foster said: “The success of the Software Testers’ Academy is founded on a continuing collaboration between the industry and government to identify and address the skills needs demanded by the increasing number of ICT companies who locate here.
“In a sector which is key to delivering long-term economic benefits, ensuring that our work-force is equipped with the skills to meet industry needs will go a long way to attracting further inward investment and promoting indig-enous business growth.”
Meanwhile, meat processor Dunbia Northern Ireland is to cre-ate 209 new jobs in Dungannon over the next three years.
The positions come thanks to a £27m capital investment by the company to create an intelligent boning hall and upgrade production lines to increase output.