THE Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland is launching a new mentoring scheme that will pair senior bank colleagues with top charities to help develop the skills of leaders in the third sector.
The scheme comes after the grant making foundation discovered charities’ need for support is not just financial, but also in areas of leadership and management.
Brenda McMullan, Halifax Foundation for NI Manager said:
“There are colleagues in Halifax who have the skills and experience that many charities need to be successful. These include marketing, financial planning, strategy and leadership.
“The Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland is delighted to be able to tap into the skills of senior bank staff from Halifax to support 19 charities in this new programme.”
The colleagues have committed to delivering one-to-one mentoring meetings every four to six weeks over a 12 month period.
Each mentor has been assigned to an individual charity based on the type of skills that have been identified as requiring development. The mentors will set a range of goals and will receive feedback from the charities during the mentoring period.