AN employment scheme to help young people gain skills and experience in the relevant sectors is paying off, according to the minister for Employment
and Learning, Stephen Farry.
The focus of the Youth Employment Scheme (YES) is to ensure that young people are provided with the skills needed to gain jobs and compete for jobs in the future.
During a visit to a construction development in Cultra the Minister met Mark Lappin and Michael Brannigan and heard how their personal advisers identified suitable YES vacancies with Downpatrick Stone Masonry firm, Art of Stone which led to them then gaining employment with the company under the YES Enhanced Employer Subsidy.
Minister Farry said: “I commend Mark and Michael on their success with Art of Stone and the way they have adapted their skills into the art of stone masonary.
“It is clear how YES has assisted them both into employment and it is through employers like Art of Stone offering opportunities that young people can find employment or gain the employability skills.
“Since the launch of YES over 4,400 young people have participated in the scheme. The focus of the initiative is to ensure that young people are provided with the skills to gain jobs, compete for jobs created in the future and retain and progress in those jobs.”
Speaking during the Minister’s visit, Mark said: “I have gained experience and many new skills. I am more confident going forward and I would encourage other young people to get involved in this initiative.”
Michael said: “I am delighted to be in full time employment and would encourage others to get involved with the YES programme.”
Fergus Rooney, owner of Art of Stone said: “I’d heard about YES from another employer and thought it could work for me and I was happy to take on Mark and Michael.
“They have had a positive impact on my business and I am trying to organise an NVQ Level 3 in Stonemasonry for them.
“As an employer it has become clear in today’s market for my employees to have or be working towards an accreditation as this is beneficial when competing for tenders and up skilling my workforce.”