Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry has launched a new training programme which will continue the work of the Conservation Volunteers Northern Ireland (CVNI) in providing skills for employment.
The Minister announced the Training for Employment programme whilst at an awards event where the NI regional winners of the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) Green Hero Awards winners 2011 were recognised.
The Training for Employment project, funded by the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) and the European Social Fund (ESF) to the tune of £444,780 over the next three years, will target disadvantaged 16 to 30-year-olds who face significant barriers to entering the labour market.
Welcoming the initiative, Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry said: “Programmes such as this, aimed at the hardest to reach young people, are vitally important, particularly in the current economic climate.
“My Department and ESF work closely with the voluntary and community sectors to target those who are furthest removed from the labour market and support the ongoing efforts to engage in innovative and enterprising ways to overcome barriers to employment.
“This initiative will supplement the programme of volunteering by CVNI, supported by my Department and ESF, which has helped participants move into employment, further education and training. The skills gained by CVNI volunteers will not only enhance their employability but their active citizenship has been massively beneficial for our environment.”
Training for Employment will supplement the programme of volunteering by CVNI, through which it currently supports 21,000 volunteers across Northern Ireland and contributed 34,000 work days on 400 sites to improve the environment for biodiversity across local communities.
Barbara Boardman, director of Conservation Volunteers Northern Ireland, said: “Helping people acquire skills to enable them gain employment is one of Conservation Volunteers Northern Ireland’s four strategic objectives and we are delighted that we have been able to help so many more people gain qualifications and employment during 2010/2011.
“This work is only possible due to financial support from Department for Employment and Learning, through the European Social Fund Scheme and our involvement in other DEL programmes, such as Steps to Work and Training for Success.“