Part time jobs in Belfast
A list of the latest part time jobs in Belfast. View the roles and apply today.
Hospitality jobs in Northern Ireland
Are you looking for a new job in hospitality? Well, there are plenty of opportunities on nijobfinder.
IT jobs in Northern Ireland
We are giving you a rundown of the latest IT jobs currently on nijobfinder.
Part time jobs in Northern Ireland
Are you on the hunt for a new part time job just in time for the festive season? View the latest part time jobs currently on offer across NI.
Council jobs in Northern Ireland
Are you interested in working in the public sector? Take a look at the latest council jobs in Northern Ireland.
Charity job opportunities in Belfast
If you are searching for charity job opportunities in Belfast, then look no further than nijobfinder.
Medical and healthcare jobs across Northern Ireland
The latest medical and healthcare jobs across Northern Ireland. Companies hiring now include Age NI, Macklin Group and more.
General management jobs in Northern Ireland
Are you searching for general management jobs in Northern Ireland? Well, you have come to the right place.
Education Authority launches recruitment drive
Education Authority is hiring Classroom Assistants, Building Supervisors, Clerical Officers, Principals and Teachers plus more across Northern Ireland.
Six companies hiring now in Belfast and beyond
We are highlighting six companies that are hiring now in Belfast and beyond.