A MARKETING student is celebrating after scooping a hat-trick of awards. Louise Foster, from Whitehead, who recently gained an MSc in Marketing from the Ulster University Business School, has been named Best Overall Student, Best Overall Global Marketing Student and also won the prize for the Best Dissertation at this year’s Ulster University Business School’s Student Awards event organised by the Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Strategy.
Dr Danielle McCartan-Quinn, Head of the Department, congratulating the students, said: “These awards recognise the top performers across the range of marketing, entrepreneurship and strategy related programmes.
“The Ulster University Business School prides itself on delivering courses which enable students to not only reach their academic potential but also allow them to experience the subjects through practical application.”
A total of 15 sponsored awards were presented on the day with the local spon-sors including the Belfast Telegraph, Stakeholder Group, Wrightbus, First Trust Bank and Hastings Hotels.