In The Workplace

17th September 2013

Customer service sector important for job growth

Customer services account for one of Northern Ireland’s most important employment growth sectors, it was claimed today.Quality training, flexible working hours and opportunities for career progression have resulted in an increasing number of job applications, according to Firstsource Solutions in Belfast.“Many companies like ours encourage their staff to continue their studies and will provide time...

17th September 2013

Using Computers in Work

A large number of people will find that they spend a majority of their working day in front of a computer screen. In the third instalment in our health and safety at work series, we will be looking at safe computer use at work. The majority of people who use computers for their work will...

17th September 2013

Rights of Part-time Workers

The large increases in the number of peoples undertaking part-time employment has been well documented in the media since the onset of the recession, as people struggle to find full-time work. Many others find that part-time work suits their circumstances better, such as students or working mothers. This article will look at the rights of...

17th September 2013

Working Time Limits

The Working Time Regulations 1998 (as amended) provide for normal working hours for employees. Employees normal working hours should be included in their employment contracts, and their terms of employment should also state what working patterns are involved in the job. Even if employees do not have a written employment contract, they must still be...

17th September 2013

Your right to a written contract within 2 months of work!

One of the most frequent violations of statutory employment rights reported to CAB is the failure to receive a written statement of the main terms and conditions of employment. Some employees are provided with a very detailed contract of employment while others may not have anything in writing. A contract of employment is an agreement...

17th September 2013

No guaranteed time off for study or training in Northern Ireland

Last year in England, Wales and Scotland certain employees were granted the right to ask for time off for study or training. This right is only for businesses with 250 employees or more. There are no current plans to extend this to Northern Ireland or allow the right to extend to smaller businesses. The current...

17th September 2013

Give us a break – rights to holiday leave and pay explained

Rights to holiday leave and pay are one of the most common employment queries to CAB. A recent evidence briefing which was produced nationally by Citizens Advice showed that there are still many workers throughout the UK who are still not given this basic statutory right. ‘Give us a break’ welcomed Government plans to review...

17th September 2013

Every employee entitled to basic rights!

By law, every employee is entitled to a certain set of basic rights and conditions at work. These basic rights are separate from any rights granted by an employment contract. Whilst an employment contract can add to the employee’s rights at work, it cannot remove any statutory rights and any clause which seeks to do...

17th September 2013

Don’t let workplace bullies get the better of you!

Workplace bullying can have an adverse effect, both for those who suffer from it and for the employers who experience disrupted workplaces. It is difficult to assess the prevalence of bullying in the workplace, but the Labour Relations Agency deals with over 1,000 enquiries on workplace bullying each year, and it could be assumed that...

17th September 2013

All work no rest? Ensure you get a break!

Rest breaks are an important area of employment rights; to ensure both the welfare of workers and the maintenance of workplace productivity. Following a 2006 case in the European Court of Justice, it has been established that employers must establish in an active fashion that workers can take advantage of their right to rest breaks....

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