How to… be a good interviewee
A job interview is the first chance you have to make an impression with your prospective employer and it’s one you don’t want to mess up. Nerves can often lead to honest mistakes during interviews but it’s also important you don’t let bad habits ruin your chances of landing that dream job. Don’t fidget Try...
How to… choose a career
Whether you are looking for your first job or want to change career, you should understand what type of person you are and what you want from your work and life. Spend time getting to know yourself and research different opportunities to help make the best decision for you. The Careers Service at offers...
How to… answer unexpected interview questions
Interviewers often throw in a trick or unexpected question to try and catch you unaware. Quite often there is no right or wrong answer but rather they are trying to gauge your ability to think on your feet. If you were given a box of 10 pencils can you list 10 things that you could...
How to… study effectively
While September may be all about settling into the new term – or maybe even a new school or university – now is the time to start focusing on your study technique. Putting in a little effort now will make life easier come exam time. HINTS AND TIPS Take good lecture notes It may sound...
How to… avoid interview mistakes
In her latest blog post for nijobfinder Generation Women founder, Sinead Sharkey shares her advice on things to avoid doing at an interview. Talk badly of a previous employer It is never acceptable to bad mouth a company or manager you’ve worked for previously. It doesn’t matter how awful they were. You need to find...
How to… create an eye-catching cover letter
The main aim of a cover letter is to encourage recruiters to read your CV. While a CV sets out the skills and experience you have for the job, the covering letter more explicitly demonstrates your understanding of the employing organisation and the nature of the job being advertised. A covering letter gives you the...
12 things you should never say or do at interview and what to do instead
Having worked in HR and management roles in the corporate world, I’ve been on the opposite side of the interview table on many occasions. Now I coach women to get them ready for the important event. It’s amazing how the most talented people can struggle with selling themselves at interview. In fact, many of the...
How to… budget your student finances
Leaving school and going to university often means leaving home and living on your own for the first time. This is will no doubt mean you are now having to manage your own finances and living expenses, while it may be tempting to blow the student loan in the first term here are some hints...
How to… explore graduate work opportunities
If you’ve recently graduated and aren’t having much luck securing employment then don’t panic. There are plenty of career opportunities out there for students willing to display some initiative and imagination. Join a small business Thanks to the massive campus marketing efforts of the major graduate recruiters, it’s easy to forget smaller employers. They may...
How to… write an alluring cover letter
The main aim of a covering letter is to encourage recruiters to read your CV. While a CV sets out the skills and experience you have for the job, the covering letter more explicitly demonstrates your understanding of the employing organisation and the nature of the job being advertised. What to include: Introduction Explain why...