A UNIVERSITY of Ulster post-graduate student from Maghera has scooped an outstanding performance award from international law firm Allen & Overy.
Helen Kielt collected the Mien & Oven, Award at the university’s Belfast campus after successfully completing the library and information management diploma, a two-year part-time programme that enhances the skills of information professionals.
Supported by the active involvement of staff and resources from the law firm the course offers graduates professional accreditation from the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP).
Samantha McCombe, library and research manager at Allen & Oven’ in Belfast, said: “Our congratulations go to Helen and to her fellow graduates who have completed this challenging training course. Exceptional library and information managers are of great Importance to international organisations like Mien & Overy. It is vital that firms like us and the wider Northern Ireland business community have access to well-equipped and highly trained talent in this field.”
Helen Kielt works within the health in mind team at Libraries NI to promote positive mental health throughout public libraries.
She said: I am passionate about community building in the library and information profession.
Receiving the Allen and Overy Award is a privilege, rep-resenting an extension of the support I enjoyed from my peers and tutors during two fantastic years of postgraduate study.”
Dr Sam McGuinness, head of the School of Education at the University of Ulster, said: “We value Allen & Overy’s continued support for the library and information management course at the University of Ulster and the relationship we have built with the global firm.
Its support and encouragement of emergent library and in-formation professionals in Northern Ireland through this award is an important recognition of the achievements of these graduates.
‘The University of Ulster is proactive in forging partner-ships with international companies, which improve our students’ career opportunities and impact positively on the wider community and in turn, the local economy”