THE prosperity and resilience of a rebalanced Northern Ireland economy will rely on a thriving further education (FE) sector, a panel of experts told business leaders at a meeting organised by Colleges NI.
The conference at La Mon Hotel, Belfast, outlined how the six regional FE colleges have contributed to economic recovery and continue to lay the foundations for jobs, growth and investment in a number of emerging lucrative sectors.
It also examined the challenges around the reform of Level 2 qualifications, improving school partnerships, opportunities arising from the transfer of new powers to local councils, and accelerating international collaboration.
Addressing the conference, the Minister for Employment and Learning, Stephen Farry, said: “This conference is very timely, coming when we are developing a new further education strategy.
“The FE sector in Northern Ireland will play a vital role in growing our economy, sharing best practice with each other, using technology to enthuse learners and to increase f lexibility in delivery, and striving for excellence in all they do.
“Above all, colleges will offer economically relevant provision at increasingly high levels to ensure the needs of employers and learners are met.”
Gerry Campbell, chief executive of Colleges NI, highlighted the impact the FE sector was having, saying: “The colleges have an important economic role in providing high-quality education and skills training.
“Local employers gain directly from access to effective workforce development and innovation support. Learners benefit from higher lifetime earnings, while society also reaps the dividends of an expanded tax base and lower social costs.
“Across NI, colleges have become a hotbed for smart growth and development. During difficult times, they have sustained and improved employability and established a highly trained talent pool that powers local firms towards prosperity and attracts lucrative inward investment.
“The fortunes of local and regional economies depend on a thriving FE sector.
If we are serious about rebalancing and rebuilding the economy, then we need to seriously value and support the impact that FE colleges continue to make.”
Northern Ireland’s six FE Colleges directly employ more than 4,000 staff.