THE Centre for Competitiveness (CforC) has joined forces with Capita and the Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP) to help improve the performance of Northern Ireland’s public sector.
The partnership with the out-sourcing giant and the government department will enable CforC to continue to develop its Steps to Excellence programme, which measures public sector bodies against the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model.
CforC chief executive Bob Barbour says that the deal is a prime example of government, business and the not-for-profit sector working together to meet the challenges of societal change and increased international competitiveness.
“With changing values and expectations in society, the public sector needs to continually reform and transform the way in which it conducts business, and continually improve its quality of service to an increasingly diverse customer-base, while providing good value for money to the tax payer,” Mr Barbour said.
“As such a large part of the Northern Ireland economy, the public sector also has a major bearing on the performance of the local economy as a whole.
“This deal will help provide the stimulus for public sector organisations to improve performance, increase productivity, achieve total quality and develop organisation capacity, there-by boosting competitiveness.
“Having a look at your organisation through the lens of the European Excellence Model has
Become a strategic imperative for any organisation that wishes to excel in the 21st century.
“I congratulate DFP for having the vision to recognise the important role the European Excellence Model can play in delivering public sector reform in Northern Ireland. We are also very pleased to have the support of Capita in developing this important programme.”
Roger Eigenheer, Capita di-rector, said: “Capita is delighted to support the Steps to Excellence public sector programme with DFP and engage in a tangi-ble way in the promotion and deployment of good practice within the public sector.
“Services are becoming part of our lives at an ever increasing rate and systems and people play a decisive role in delivering an excellent service:’