TWO new training academies aim to give graduates skills and experience in job specific sectors.
The FinTrU Financial Services Academy will provide graduates with the skills and experience required to take up new financial services opportunities being offered by FinTrU. The academy has been designed by the Department for Employment and Learning, FinTrU, Belfast Metropolitan College and the University of Ulster under the Assured Skills initiative.
Targeting graduates from any discipline, it will, offer a four-week training programme to 20 successful applicants. Commencing in September, the training will be delivered jointly by Belfast Metropolitan College and the University of Ulster with successful participants gaining an industry recognised qualification and a potential offer of employment with FinTrU.
The Minister for Employment and Learning, Stephen Farry said: “The Financial Services Sector is a billionpound market. We therefore have a vested interest in making sure this highly competitive market works as effectively as it can.”
Darragh McCarthy, chief executive officer of FinTrU, described the FinTrU Financial Services Academy as a “unique opportunity to prepare for a dynamic career in Financial Services in Northern Ireland”.
Similarly the Alexander Mann Solutions Recruitment Academy, designed by the Department for Employment and Learning, Alexander Mann Solutions (AMS) and Belfast Metropolitan College under the Assured Skills initiative, aims to provide candidates with the skills and experience required to take up the opportunities being created by the company.
It follows the announcement that AMS is opening a global client service centre in Belfast, creating 250 new jobs. Vic Khan, AMS director for Global Client Service Centres, said: “This programme will be key in enabling us to hire a new generation of talented and high-potential individuals as we look to build and grow our organisation.”
Targeting HND and degree graduates from any discipline, this academy will offer an intensive six-week training programme.
Successful participants will gain a recognised qualification and a potential offer of employment with AMS — a provider of talent management.
The programme will provide participants with a broad range of skills required to be successful in business, alongside a specific focus on recruitment skills and candidate sourcing techniques and the identification and engagement of talented candidates to meet AMS clients’ requirements.
Minister Farry said: “This academy is once again an excellent example of a government intervention to enhance the skills of the unemployed. The decision by Alexander Mann to create 250 jobs in a new Global Client Service Centre shows the confidence the company has in Northern Ireland.”