Career Advice » Searching for a Job » How to job hunt successfully

How to job hunt successfully

14th October 2019

Finding your perfect job is no easy task but if you keep an open mind and use all available resources to your full advantage it may be easier than you think. Here’s how to job hunt successfully.


No matter how amazing you are on paper, nothing beats a smile, a firm statement, and a handshake.

Considered an essential tool in job hunting; you could think of it as a ‘pre-interview;’ a chance to reveal your personality in a more relaxed and informal environment then a job interview.

Job websites

Having your CV searchable to hundreds of potential employees, and receiving daily email notifications in the sector relevant to you, can be a major benefit when job searching. Used in conjunction with other job searching techniques, it is a very efficient means of gathering all possible job opportunities right into your inbox, or mobile phone. Sign up to nijobfinder for all the latest job alerts and to upload your CV.

Fairs & exhibitions

Like networking, fairs and exhibitions give you the opportunity to meet and greet with your potential employers and get a lasting impression in your mind of what their company can offer. They can position competing companies side-by-side, letting you compare traits and benefits between employers.


Agencies can be quite helpful when securing you the right position, matching people with companies happens to be something they do on a daily basis. Industry specific agencies are in tune with trends, news and figure heads within your sector – and can be a great link to thriving jobs within.

Social networking

LinkedIn is the main key player when it comes to using social media to job hunt; keep it up-to-date and connect with as many people as possible.

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