When you first enter the world of work after spending years in education, it can seem a little daunting. That is why it is important to prepare as much as you possibly can for your first job. It is an exciting time, but make sure that you do your best to avoid distractions and remain focused. Your first job tends to be one of the most important times of your working life.
Research your Employer
Don’t just show up to work without the slightest idea of what the company or organisation entails. Get your hands dirty and do a fair amount of research on your employer to discover more about the job and to understand how things work there.
Appropriate Work-Wear
Remind yourself what the other staff members wore on the day of your interview. Use this as a temporary guideline until you become more adjusted. It is better to go overdressed instead of underdressed if you are unsure about what to wear for your first day. After your first week, you will be familiar enough with the job and you will have a better idea of the appropriate work-wear.
Network with your Colleagues
Don’t be shy. If you think of an idea which could improve the business or company, suggest it. Get involved with planning things for your team, and offer to help people if you don’t have much to do and they are swamped.
Preparing with Miscellaneous Items
Consider taking a notepad and pen with you to work, that way you look prepared and you can easily take some notes throughout your day if you need to. Much like starting your first day back at school, treating yourself to some new stationary can make you feel mentally prepared for the big day. Finally, some people like to bring in personal items to brighten up their work spaces – framed photos and plants are solid favourites but make sure not to go too over the top!
It is a good idea to work out your finances before your start date. You will need to provide payroll with your financial information so that they can arrange proper payment. To make life easier for yourself, spend a little extra time working out how much you’re likely to be taxed. This will give you a better idea of how much you’ll take home per month. To help you with this, try using an online tax calculator which is a really simple and fast way to find out exactly how much tax you’ll be paying.
We have put this necessary guide together so that graduates who find themselves struggling to prepare for their first job can have a look and tick off the points as they go along. Whilst beginning your first job is an exciting time, planning for it is essential. If you’re fully prepared then everything should run smoothly…Good luck!
Is your start date fast approaching? We’ve put together some useful resources to help you before the big day:
Tax calculator: http://www.gocompare.com/money/tax-calculator/
Tips for your first day: http://www.totaljobs.com/graduate/careers-advice/life-at-work/how-to-have-a-good-first-day-at-work
Are you on the right pay? : http://www.payscale.com/