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Success for NI science students

25th January 2017

NORTHERN Ireland students have had their projects recognised at this year’s BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition (BTYSTE).

Among the winners were Loreto College, Coleraine which picked up the MATRIX Best Northern Ireland School Award at the Exhibition.

Dónal Close and Sian Donaghy from Loreto College were also successfully awarded BT – Northern Ireland Best Project for their entry, Phone Book Physics which was entered in the Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences category at intermediate level.

Ballyclare High, St Killian’s College, St Mary’s College, Ballymena Academy, St Patrick’s High, St Catherine’s College and South Eastern College Bangor also picked up accolades at the ceremony.

Over 1,100 students from 375 schools across the island of Ireland competed for the coveted title of BT Young Scientist & Technologist of the Year 2017 with Shane Curran from Terenure College, Dublin being named the overall winner.

Praising all those who competed Education Minister, Peter Weir said: “I would like to congratulate all of the students from Northern Ireland who have taken part in the Exhibition this year, you should all be very proud of what you have achieved. I would like to acknowledge the hard work that the students have put into their projects but also the support shown by all the teachers and schools who have helped these students to bring their projects to life. The BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition is a real highlight in the school calendar and the continued support by BT is vital, helping this event to go from strength-to-strength and become bigger and better each year.”

Mairead Meyer, Managing Director of NI Networks, added: “It has been an incredible exhibition that has captured the imaginations of tens of thousands of visitors who came to support young people and their ideas. I want to congratulate every student that entered, and in particular Shane, our overall winner.

Technology skills are critical to companies like BT, and we are delighted to help discover home-grown talent in critical skills such as security and data storage that are needed by organisations based here and globally.”

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