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Food Development Centre receives industry ovation

6th December 2016

NORTH West Regional College (NWRC) has officially opened the region’s first centre of excellence for food development and technology.

Foodovation, under the direction of food development centre manager Brian McDermott, is a new research and development centre which offers a sanctuary to develop excellence in food innovation, science and technology.

Award winning chef Neven Maguire was the special guest for the official opening of the innovative centre which is based in the Northland Road building of the North West Regional College’s Strand Road campus.

Fully equipped with the most advanced facilities and latest technology, the Foodovation centre contains a food science lab, development and production kitchens, kitchen studio photography and videography, meeting rooms, a taste testing room and barista coffee training school.

As well as encouraging and nurturing small to medium-sized food businesses, Foodovation will provide industry specialists with the technical advice to ensure their route to market is successful and sustainable.

Foodovation is a one-stopshop for current and aspiring Food Development Centre receives industry ovation Chef Neven Maguire and Brian McDermott, Food Development Centre Manager,NorthWest Regional College pictured at the official opening of the Foodovation centre at NorthWest Regional College industry producers, and has already celebrated success in the form of stock maker Carol Banahan who has made the centre her new workplace, and Limavady pig farmer Alastair Crown from Corndale farm.

Foodovation manager Brian McDermott explained that the college has already been delivering hands on advice and support to industries from experienced and skilled food development chefs and technologists, through the innovation voucher scheme.

He said: “North West Regional College prides itself on strong delivery and supporting the food sector. “It’s exciting to see the physical centre officially open today. We have enjoyed huge success so far and look forward to building on this and growing.

“This is first venue in the North West that offers a complete end-to-end new product development model for food producers in the region.”

College Principal Leo Murphy added: “North West Regional College has been committed to investing its resources to support the food and hospitality sector. We continue to lead the way in developing skills which allow industries to develop new product ideas, generate employment opportunities within the sector and support economic growth across the region.”

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