Blog » You’re hired! Apprentice stars celebrate

You’re hired! Apprentice stars celebrate

27th April 2016

THIS year’s Apprentice of the Year award winners have been announced. Lauren Gourley from Antrim and Omagh’s Emmet Lagan were named as the 2016 Apprentice of the Year and Higher Level Apprentice of the Year respectively at the annual awards.

Lauren (20) is completing an engineering apprenticeship at Larne Skill Development and is employed by Schlumberger, Monkstown. Emmet (30) is completing an engineering higher level apprenticeship at South West College, Omagh, and is employed by SSE.

Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry said: “I congratulate Lauren and Emmet on winning their respective Apprentice and Higher Level Apprentice of the Year categories and all the other finalists on their achievements.

“I wish them continued success in their chosen careers. These awards highlight how apprenticeships and the new Higher Level Apprenticeships are supporting our local economy by ensuring our workforce is getting the skills valued by local employers.”

The joint winners of the Innovation in Partnership Award were Deloitte/Ulster University Business School and PwC/People 1st.


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