AN awards ceremony has been held for the graduates of the EY Data & Analytics Academy. The nine-week academy trained 20 graduates to provide them with the skills and accredited qualifications identified by EY to be considered for data and analytics roles with the company.
The academy is the first of several that will be delivered by the Department for Employment and Learning in partnership with EY and Belfast Metropolitan College following the announcement in April 2014 that EY was creating 486 jobs in Northern Ireland.
Congratulating the graduates, Minister for Employment and Learning Stephen Farry said: “I wish to congratulate all the academy graduates.
Through the Assured Skills programme, my department will ensure that EY has the necessary support for training initiatives to develop the skills they require for their new opportunities.
“The EY Data & Analytics Academy provides an excellent example of how my department, through its Assured Skills initiative, supports graduates in finding employment by working closely with further education colleges and employers.
This training approach provides expanding companies with a skilled and job-ready pool of potential employees.”