EMPLOYMENT and Learning Minister Stephen Farry has launched two new pilot higher level apprenticeships in finance and accountancy, and applied industrial and life science.
Both Southern Regional College (SRC) and Belfast Metropolitan College (Belfast Met) will deliver the new pilot finance and accountancy higher level apprenticeship and SRC will deliver the pilot applied industrial and life science higher level apprenticeship. Both apprenticeships lead to a Level 5 qualification, which is equivalent to a foundation degree.
Minister Farry said: “The delivery of gold standard higher level apprenticeships, such as these, will form a key part of the new skills landscape. The new model for apprenticeships will put employers in the driving seat by aligning with their needs in meeting the growing demand for higher level skills:’
The apprenticeships will include a combination of ‘on and off the job’ training. The ‘off the job’ element will be delivered by Belfast Met and SRC respectively on a day release basis for a two-year period. Applied industrial and life science apprentices will complete their on the job training with Norbrook Laboratories Ltd, Newry and a range of companies will provide on the job training for the finance and accountancy apprentices.
Brian Doran, chief executive of SRC, said: “The College together with Belfast Met, Accounting Technicians Ireland, Chartered Accountants Ireland and many leading accountancy employers has led the development of the first higher apprenticeship in finance and accounting in Northern Ireland.
This apprenticeship provides school leavers with the opportunity to gain employment whilst working towards professional qualifications through to chartered accountancy status.
At the launch at Southern Regional College are (left to right) Dr Lillian Cromie, director of science, Norbrook; Minister Dr Stephen Farry; Derek Rodgers, operations director, Norbrook; Brian Doran, chief executive, Southern Regional College
“This development demonstrates the college’s commitment to working with local business and industry to ensure that our curriculum is both relevant and meaningful to support the future growth and expansion of local companies”.
Marie-Therese McGivern, principal and chief executive of Belfast Met, said: “We are delighted to offer a new apprenticeship programme that will enable learners to develop economically relevant skills that will greatly enhance their employment prospects within financial industries”.
Further information on the SRC higher level apprentice-ships is available by emailing: info @src.ac.uk or calling: 0845 604 0033. Information on the Belfast Met higher level apprenticeship is available by emailing Luke Caldwell at:
lcaldwell@belfastmet.ac.uk or
calling: 028 9026 5127.