Blog » New Campus

New Campus

9th July 2014

EMPLOYMENT and Learning Minister Stephen Farry has announced his intention to develop a new further education campus in Craigavon.

This announcement follows the department’s success in drawing down £22.5m as part of the UK Government and NI Executive’s joint economic pact, Building A Prosperous and United Community. The proposal is for a single new high-quality campus in Craigavon to serve schools, students, employers and the community.

Minister Farry said:“This development will significantly transform further education infrastructure in Craigavon. Skills have long been recognised as the cornerstone on which investment and our economy thrive, and this investment will provide the Southern Regional College with modern first class facilities.

“The new campus will replace the current facilities in Lurgan and Portadown. Further education colleges in Northern Ireland give many young people the first opportunity to experience shared education and are recognised as shared spaces for all in society, enabling them to benefit from education and training.”

The minister added: “The project will also provide employment opportunities in the construction sector. I will also ensure construction social clause contracts will make opportunities available for apprentices and for long-term unemployed.”

Work will commence immediately to identify a site and for the appointment of a design team to take forward the development.Actual construction is targeted to commence in 2015/16.

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